They said: “The configuration ‘MWELLFC’ can be read as ‘MeWellF*c***’ and can be misunderstood and found offensive to some of our citizens.” Jim, originally from East Kilbride, said: “That interpretation had never crossed my mind. I wrote to them appealing the decision but they stuck to their guns. In fairness they refunded the $49 I spent on the registration.”
The decision from the DMV in the state capital Sacramento cites the California Vehicle Code, section 5105(a). That states: “We must refuse any license plate configuration which carries connotations offensive to good taste and decency, or which may be misleading to some of our citizens.”

Jim said: “It means my Porsche Boxster has no plates at the moment, so I can’t take it out on the road. I never dreamed that plates saying this could be taken in a particular way. I explained to them that this was for Motherwell FC and they seemed to accept that and understand but in the end they have stuck to their guns.”