Shike Sato

Shike Sato is a Japanese supercentenarian born on 16 March 1900. Her 110th birthday was announced in a press report in March, which is somewhat unusual as a number of Japanese supercentenarians do not receive press coverage on their birthdays, their status instead being presented in Japan's September updates on their senior citizens.
Sato was born in Fukushima, Japan, and presently resides in Saitama. She became the oldest living person in Saitama prefecture on 4 July 2009, at the age of 109 years, 80 days, following the death of Yoshi Kobayashi (2 September 1898 - 4 July 2009), who died at the age of 110 years, 305 days.
Shike Sato was the youngest validated living supercentenarian and youngest validated living Japanese at one time. At present, Sumie Gomagano (born 15 April 1900) is the only validated living Japanese supercentenarian younger than her.
Added to GRG's Table E on 18 April 2010, aged 110 years, 33 days, she places 71st out of 90 validated living supercentenarians on the GRG and Louis Epstein lists as of 12 December 2010, and is the 23rd oldest living Japanese person and the 125th oldest Japanese ever.