Ingeborg Mestad

Ingeborg Mestad was born on 15 November 1899. She is one of only two Norwegian supercentenarians alive today, the other being 17 July 1899-born Gudrun Onshuus. She has not been verified by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG) at the time of the writing of this post. She, however, has been accepted on the list of Louis Epstein, a researcher with the GRG.
11 June 2010: My condolences go to the family of Ingeborg Mestad who, I have just learnt, has passed on. Her death on 5 June 2010 means she finishes her life at 110 years, 202 days old.
Update on 13 June 2010... I have just found out that Gudrun Onshuus, the only remaining Norwegian supercentenarian since Mrs. Mestad's death, died on 9 June 2010 at age 110 years, 327 days.