Shige Hirooka

Shige Hirooka is a supercentenarian from Osaka, Japan. Due to concerns about whether or not she was alive, she was relegated to limbo status in August 2010.
Born on 16 January 1897, Hirooka was last known to be alive on 1 September 2009, at age 112 years, 228 days. Yet, no photos or reports of her were ever released.
Following discussion after a report by the Japanese authorities in August, Hirooka was relegated to limbo status on GRG's Table E. Hirooka, known to be the oldest living person in Osaka prefecture, was apparently indirectly implied in the report as being deceased, as the report listed a 106-year-old woman as Osaka's oldest person.
A loophole in the report lent weight to the possibility that Hirooka may still be alive. The report had failed to specify if the woman was Osaka City's or Osaka Prefecture's oldest resident (Hirooka was known to be the oldest person in the Osaka Prefecture prior to this.) Given that there was not even one 113th birthday report of her in January 2010, the question of whether or not she indeed is still alive remains to be answered.
Update (15 September 2010): Concidentially, around the time of the writing of this post, a report was released mentioning Shige Hirooka; the report has confirmed that the oldest in Osaka Prefecture is an anonymous woman, born 1897-01-16, who is almost certainly Shige Hirooka. As of today, she has been restored to GRG's Table E as a Living Supercentenarian.
Update: Ms. Hirooka passed away on 29 March 2011, aged 114 years, 72 days, as the world's sixth-oldest living person.