It gives me great regret to report that
Neva Morris of Iowa, America, born on 3 August 1895, has died yesterday, 6 April 2010, at the age of 114 years, 246 days. She was the second oldest person in the world at the time of her death.
Morris was the oldest person ever from the state of Iowa, surpassing the recently-dead Olivia Patricia Thomas on 22 December 2009 to earn the title. Interestingly, when Thomas was still alive, she was the third-oldest person in the world at the time of her death, while Morris was the fourth.
In early life, Morris helped her four children to attend Iowa State University by raising chickens, hogs, and cows on her farm. In later years, Morris earned some notice for her 80-year accident-free driving record, finally stopping at the age of 95.
In her final years, Morris lived in the same nursing home as her son-in-law Tom Wickersham, who is 90. Morris was a member of PEO Chapter OH, a 60-year member of Collegiate United Methodist Church, and for 75 years was active in Eastern Star.
Wickersham stated in March 2010 that though Morris had vision and hearing deficiencies, she was still able to participate in limited activity at her nursing home.
When Mary Josephine Ray died on 7 March 2010 at age 114 years, 294 days, after a 177-day reign as the oldest living American, Morris took the title and also became the second-oldest living person.
Just 30 days later, at 4am yesterday, Morris died with Wickersham at her bedside. The title of second oldest living person passes to Eugenie Blanchard of France, who is only two months past her 114th birthday.